2022 Male Engagement on GBV, SGBV and HIV with boys and young men in school and outside of school.
For far too long ,impunity ,silence and stigma have allowed violence against women and girls to escalate to pandemic proportions. These challenges and issues cannot be adequately addressed without directly and indirectly involving and engaging adolescent boys and young men with whom they closely interact.
In lieu with this GADNet in Collaboration with Education Plus Initative in Sierra Leone organized a one day engagement workshop with boys and young men in and out of school in order to get views ,opinion and their input ,get trained and designed an Action Plan that serve as a road map to shape the efforts to prevent SGBV and HIV in AGYW and provide a protective environment for AGYW to attain their full potential free of Violence .
Caption : From Potential Perpetrators of Violence against Girls and women to Partners and Allies in ending Violence.
Quarter Activity achieved @2022
Helping Girls Break Barriers